I was having trouble getting pictures to upload and she finally made it. I can't believe how big my Tee is getting. This year she wanted to be a princess. I can totally do princesses. Especially this one. It was really fun to put together and then to see her all dressed up. I let her pick out some fancy jewelry to wear with it and a fancy headband. She LOVED it. 
For halloween our ward has a carnival that the youth put on. This always happens the wednesday before Halloween. So I got her costume finished up for her and she tried it on. You have got to love this little girl. She turned to me and said, "When we go trick-or-treating I am going to get cold. Can you make me a cloak to go with it?" How can you say no to a sweet question like that? Well, if the fabric hadn't been on sale it wouldn't have happened. I got right on her cloak and had it ready for her to wear at the school parade. I think she was pretty in love with her costume this year!
In preparations for the church carnival, Tee was actually at a friend's house and was able to get ready there. This friend's mother took the time to curl her hair (which I can never get to hold a curl) and made Tee feel like the most special princess around. I am so greatful to her. Except now Tee wants me to curl her hair often and I can't get it to hold. I am going to need lessons.