In the mix of all that has been happening I have been getting together with a small group of women to quilt. We sure have a great time and have become good friends. Some laugh at me...mostly the husbands of the other ladies. You see, most of these women are in their sixties and seventies. I don't really know how old they are but you get the idea. And then there is me, in my late twenties, hanging out with these older women and having a great time.
It is interesting what brings a goup of people together. We all like to quilt and we have a common goal. To provide quilts to people in the community that may be in need. I don't think there is a better way to build friendships than by serving together. I don't accomplish nearly as many quilts as these other ladies do but here are a few that I have been able to do. I must say that I have learned a lot from these women!
This quilt was a one panel piece of fabric that I was able to machine quilt and bind. I have now learned how to actually machine quilt a quilt. I never really knew you could do that and now I am doing it myself. It is a small baby/lap size.

This quilt I was able to piece from some left over blocks from a different project. That was pretty fun for me to be able to use something that I had already started. It too is machine quilted. My second or third attempt at free motion quilting. I think I may have the hand of it. Although it definatey takes longer than straight line quilting with my walking foot!

This quilt is actually Ace's quilt. One of me friends gave him this animal/creation fabric and told him that I needed to make him a new quilt. So I found something to go with it and he loves it. I asked him if he wanted free motion or straight line quilting and he asked, "Which one is faster?" So that is what we did...straight lines. Doesn't hurt my feelings.

Ace is also our helper. Since the other kids are at school and I am the only young mom that attends, he gets all the attention. He is definately our little quilter in training. Thanks, Ace.