In the mix of all that has been happening I have been getting together with a small group of women to quilt. We sure have a great time and have become good friends. Some laugh at me...mostly the husbands of the other ladies. You see, most of these women are in their sixties and seventies. I don't really know how old they are but you get the idea. And then there is me, in my late twenties, hanging out with these older women and having a great time.
It is interesting what brings a goup of people together. We all like to quilt and we have a common goal. To provide quilts to people in the community that may be in need. I don't think there is a better way to build friendships than by serving together. I don't accomplish nearly as many quilts as these other ladies do but here are a few that I have been able to do. I must say that I have learned a lot from these women!
This quilt was a one panel piece of fabric that I was able to machine quilt and bind. I have now learned how to actually machine quilt a quilt. I never really knew you could do that and now I am doing it myself. It is a small baby/lap size.
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