My oh my, where has the time gone? My world has been everything except sewing and crafting. Since Halloween I don't think I have made anything significant at all. Just world has been a sea of this:
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Creating has been non-existant...
My oh my, where has the time gone? My world has been everything except sewing and crafting. Since Halloween I don't think I have made anything significant at all. Just world has been a sea of this:
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Things to share and a sneek peek...
Friday, September 18, 2009
Way Cute Scripture Bag
My Tee has a great primary teacher that really encourages the kids to bring their scriptures to church. In our house the kids have a scripture bag that they share. It began to create a problem when Tee takes it to church and the boys want to too. So the problem is now fixed. Tee had a brithday this week and her gift? A cute, custom scripture bag. And so far she loves it.
It is made from a dark blue denim and accented with a dusty pink. I hand emroidered her name on it. The top flap has a small pocket with a zipper, perfect for pencils or other small items. It is held closed by the clips on the bottom. Around the front and back edges is pink piping.
On the top we have a handle made from backpack type straps, reinforced with a denim hand hold. The pink squares reinforce the handle and add just enough cuteness.
The top flap is lined with the contrasting pink. For now it is a little big but soon she will be getting a quad and it will fit perfectly. Hopefully it will be great for quite a few years (you know how their opinions change as they get older).
Thursday, September 17, 2009
New Inspiration
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
New Aprons
Saturday, August 29, 2009
My quilt is continued...
Friday, August 21, 2009
Friday, August 14, 2009
Busy times
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Quilt along update
Girly jammies, continued.

Give them a try. They are easy and Tee loves them!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Wedding Fun
Somehow in my mix of pictures I didn't get a very good one of Tee's dress. So here is the best one I have and soon will get others that show better detail. Tee went to the fabric store with me and picked out a pattern, showed me all the alterations she wanted on it (yes, is it sad that a 6 year old knows what alterations can be done on a pattern to make it what she wants) and picked out her fabric. The only thing different from what she wanted is that she asked for it to be floor length. I made the executive decision not to due to that fact that the wedding was in Las Vegas in the middle of July. If you don't quite know what I mean, we will just say that the weather was up in the 115 range.
Tee's dress turned out beautifully. She chose elbow length sleeves with a flounce on the hem. I added silver beads to the princess lines, waistline, and sleeve. She chose my favorite type of satin to work with. It also has a netted slip underneath to help it "poof." What little girl doesn't like her dress to "poof?"
I was also able to alter the flower girl dresses to help them show a little more color. That was pretty fun too.
...And after. With these dresses the lining was the right green and the overlay didn't let enough of it show so I cut off the hem of the overlay and pulled up the hem at the hip to allow for more color to show. These two little girls were very cute walking down the aisle.
Girly Jammies
Way too much fun, if you ask me!
Quilt Along
Sunday, July 12, 2009
9 Year Old Quilt...Finally Finished
And best of all, it was finished just in time for the Fourth of July.
So how could a quilt take 9 years to complete? Well that is a very good question, indeed. It all started when a good friend of mine and I went to the fabric store. Yes it has been one of my favorite places for a very long time. We came across this very fun fabric that had 2000 written all over it. Perfect we thought, we are graduates of the year 2000. What a perfect graduation quilt. Well, hers was finished within a few months, and mine sat in a box. I moved away and started college with the intentions of working on my quilt (the first large one I have made). And it still sat in a box.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
The kids are away and Mom has played...
At our ward party last week the activities committee asked me to make a family flag to represent us. Of couse, as usual, I waited to the last minute to finish it up and have decided that a few modifications are going to happen, but overall I am pleased with it.
Stay tuned...when my models return...girly jammies with matching doll jammies, 9 year quilt project...FINALLY finished! and a cute, cute girly dress!
Monday, June 29, 2009
Boojiboo Flirty Apron GUEST GIVEAWAY!!!!
Check out this apron that makes me just want to cook, not sew. How odd is that!